本帖最后由 wedorealty 于 2014-11-10 14:13 编辑
18 Crestgarden Street MacGregor
Spacious family homein Macgregor
Situated onan elevated 625 square metre allotment on the high side of the street thissolid brick and tile home provides comfortable family living. Within walkingdistance of Westfield Garden City, Close to State Primary and Secondaryschools, bus links, parklands and major motorways ensures you are central toeverything, thus meeting the needs of the entire family.
* 4 bedrooms/ living room / bathroom upstairs
* Rumpusdownstairs with individual access bathroom
* Close toSchool / Shopping center / Bus links
* Polishedtimber floors and staircase to the living room where glass sliding doorsprovide flexibility with the adjoining open plan dining, kitchen and familyarea
* Lowmaintenance, child friendly garden
佔地625平方米靠近Macgregor高中/Garden City Westfield / 鄰近公園及公車站 地點便利
樓上四間睡房 一套衛浴 開放式飯廳及客廳 舒適木質地板
樓下開放式RUMPUS遊戲間有獨立衛浴 可上下分租
後院佔地小 簡易易打理