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    [英语类] *Free EXAM materials available *IELTS English Tutor (TOEFL, TOEIC, PTE)









    Rank: 20Rank: 20

    michaelsmith 发表于 2017-6-26 18:09:58
    5977 12


    Michael , 美国人,专业教授英文10年,专攻雅思/托福/PTE,曾在美国/澳洲/韩国/中国(沈阳工程学院/厦门理工大学/北京信息科技大学)等多所高等院校任职。现在布里斯班居住,寻找新生源,请有需要专业辅导英语的人士联系 0415-126-779 ,谢谢。(价格实惠,可洽谈)

    Are you looking to increase your scores to get permanent residency, a scholarship, a job, or more opportunities? I can help you achieve your dream.
    I am a Native English Speaker with over ten years of experience teaching youth through adults about English.
    I have multiple certifications to teach English including a TEFL and a CELTA.  I have published a book on TOIEC, worked as a speech editor, and developed English Curriculum for Universities.
    Are you interested in getting high scores in:
    · IELTS General
    · IELTS Academic
    · TOIEC
    · TOEFL
    · PTE
    · CET
    Each class will be specially made just for you targeting your strengths and weaknesses. With our writing class, you will receive homework, which I will correct and give advice on outside of class. Many students see an improvement of 50% or more in just one month.  What a deal!
    Low prices and quality service!
    Please message me at 0415-126-779 for consultations.
    Or email me at [email protected]

    Here are some recommendations:
    Echo (China, PTE)
    我和Michael 强度每天学习PTE两周。他成功帮助我提高我的PTE成绩到speaking 90 满分,writing 80, listening 75, reading 72.  我非常满意Michael的教学. 他有一套很好的方法找出我比较弱的地方,然后集中帮助我改善。 极度推荐给有需要学习的同学们。加油!
    I have two week intense classes with Michael for my first PTE exam. He helped me to improve my speaking to a perfect score of 90, writing 80, listening 75, reading 72. I am very satisfied with his teaching. He has a way to find out my weak areas and target perfectly to improve them.  Highly recommend !!! GOOG LUCK!

    From a local Korean family.
    Steve(adult, TOEFL):
    Michael was the best English tutor I've ever met. He had excellent skills to motivate me and provided target teaching that is the most appropriate for me.
    마이클은 지금까지 만난 영어 과외선생님 중 최고였어요. 그는 나에게 동기를 부여하고, 내게 가장 적합한 방식으로 가르치는 맞춤형 교육을 제공했습니다.

    Minchan & Lilly(primary school, ESL):
    We highly recommend Michael as an English tutor. We were looking forward to meeting him because his class was always fun and full of passion.
    우리는 마이클을 영어 과외선생님으로 적극 추천합니다. 그의 수업은 항상 재미있고 열정이 넘쳤기에 우리는 수업을 학수고대하고 기다렸죠.

    Please message me at 0415-126-779 for consultations.
    Or email me at [email protected]

    OZYOYO提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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     楼主| michaelsmith 发表于 2017-8-6 11:19:33
    Start soon to reach out to your goal !!!
     楼主| michaelsmith 发表于 2017-8-9 13:31:03
    Now I have 4 students, if anyone else is interested in taking a class with me, I will have time to organise materials exclusively for your situation.  
     楼主| michaelsmith 发表于 2017-8-14 11:50:01
    Congratulations to my student Martin Loh on achieving a high score.  You will be able to apply for citizenship in Australia with that!  To other prospective students,  there are many opportunities open for you to succeed, just send me a message.
     楼主| michaelsmith 发表于 2017-8-16 10:18:18
    Michael, 谢谢你的修改!你提到了一些词我使用过多并为我提供了一些替换词,这对我帮助很大,因为许多相同意思的词在写作的时候会想不到怎么用,所以只能一直用一种表达方法,这可能也就是我作文分数一直不高的原因吧!我会好好总结你提出的修改意见,并争取把你建议的替换词用在我的下一篇写作中!
    Hi Michael, Thanks for your revision. You mentioned that some words I’ve overused. I admit that before I go through your revision, I cannot find other words to replace the words that I’ve been used for many times. But now I’ve studied your suggestion carefully and found out that there are some other words that can be used to my essay!

    Another recommendation from a current Chinese student in Beijing.  Writing is difficult, but I can show you the ways to improve to the next level.
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