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[Brisbane] Staying Straight & Strong









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yo1yo2 发表于 2013-3-28 13:12:01
2704 1


We all want to remain as healthy and vital as possible as we get older, and being aware of the importance of good posture is part of that. So straighten up and read on to find out more.

As people age, it’s not uncommon to see changes in their posture, particularly stooping – with shoulders hunched forward and a round, humped back. While there are a number of factors that affect posture, the good news is that there are things you can do to protect your body and preserve good posture.

So, what is ‘posture’?

Posture refers to our body’s position while we’re standing or seated or when we’re moving. Having a good posture reduces stress on our joints and organs and helps with the efficiency of movement. Poor posture can also lead to headaches and soreness in the neck, back and shoulders.

There are different types of postural problems and most are associated with the spine but they can also affect the legs (e.g. knock knees) and feet (e.g. pigeon toes).

Postural problems associated with the spine include:

  • Lordosis – a pronounced hollowing of the lower back
  • Kyphosis – an excessive curve in the upper back causing rounded shoulders
  • Scoliosis – a sideways swaying of the back often caused by carrying a heavy (school) bag on one shoulder.
What causes postural problems?

Problems with posture can affect people of any age, but as people get older they are more prone to have issues.

Accumulated bad habits like slouching or long-term poor muscle tone, joint stiffness and inflexibility all contribute to poor posture.

As people age, they often become less active. Muscles lose size and strength, ligaments lose elasticity, and joints become stiffer, all of which can reduce flexibility and range of motion. Years of sitting can lead to weaker back and stomach muscles and tightness in the hips and hamstrings muscles; all of which can all contribute to bad posture.

This is where “core strength” becomes key. The core muscles of the trunk and pelvis stabilise the spine and effectively move the body. If the trunk muscles are weakened, then posture and movement can also be affected.

With age, there can also be other changes that affect posture significantly. Firstly, the cushioning discs of cartilage between the spinal bones or vertebrae can degenerate and lose their cushioning ability; compressing the vertebral bones closer together.

Osteoporosis can also weaken the bones to the extent that they become brittle and fracture causing a partial collapse of the spine. This can round the back and hunch shoulders forward, leading to a visible “dowager’s hump” or kyphosis.

Less commonly, postural changes can be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease, and they may occur before other symptoms become apparent.

So it’s best to check in with your doctor if you notice significant postural changes, particularly as you get older. Your doctor can check for any underlying conditions that might require treatment.

What can we do to prevent or treat postural problems?

Simply being more aware of your posture during different activities can help correct bad habits. Many postural problems can be corrected by physiotherapy and related interventions, but some conditions may require surgery.

Being active is one of the best ways to combat age-related changes in our bones and muscles and to maintain flexibility and range of motion; all of which contribute to good posture. Ideally, this is something you’ll do throughout your whole life, but one of the most pleasing aspects of exercise is that you’re never too old to benefit.

However, it is vital to exercise safely, particularly if you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis or any other medical condition that might make some activities unsuitable. If this is the case for you, check in with your doctor before starting on any new exercise program. For older adults or adults with chronic conditions, an Accredited Exercise Physiologist can develop a personalised plan to help you exercise safely.

Weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, aerobics or skipping are good exercises for bones. My preference is for strength or resistance training – lifting weights like dumbbells and barbells load muscles and bones to improve their strength. Resistance (elastic) bands are also useful if lifting weights is not an option.

Core strengthening exercises can improve trunk and abdominal muscles. Yoga and Pilates are often recommended to improve core strength and to promote flexibility as well as strong muscles and bones.

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cottoncandy 发表于 2013-3-28 13:38:22
don t sit for too long....
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