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[other] Accounting Training & Internship (Sydney & Brisbane)









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

Kydie 发表于 2011-5-24 09:39:15
8429 33


让Florian来帮你实现这个梦想,Florian 会计师楼提供一系列专业的会计教育培训,致力于帮助毕业生找到一份满意的工作,尤其针对于即将毕业或还在校就读会计专业的学生。
1. 专业的公司会计培训 – 由曾任职于澳洲上市公司的CPA授课。整个课程完全以Corporate Accounting Department 的实际操作作为基础,采用真实公司的真实帐目进行培训。
Introductory Course – 针对中小型公司的bookkeeping 的技能;
Level 1 Course – 针对于中型公司的accountant所需的技能;
Level 2 Course – 针对于大型上市公司accountant所需的技能;

2. 面试技巧培训 – 我们会请曾任职于澳洲Recruitment Agency经验丰富的Career Consultant授课。
Section 1 – 侧重于Professional Resume的撰写;
Section 2 – 侧重于Phone Interview的礼仪和技巧;
Section 3 – 侧重于Face to Face Interview的礼仪和技巧;

3. Excel (Intermediate & Advanced Level) – 由澳洲上市公司的精算师授课;
[email protected]
0412 624 948 (Sydney Office)
02 8889 4111
0430 827 666 (Brisbane Office)

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 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-5-28 12:02:47
Hi Coco,
Thank you for your email.  I am doing well.
Starting last week I started a new role at the Express Delivery Company Head Office as a Commercial Analyst with better income. In March 2011 came out an opening for this position and I was quite fortunate that after 3 times interview upto the G.M. of Commercial Division, he gave me a chance to perform for this role. Therefore please let me perform for this role as another good stepping stone.
Thank you very much for the update, Coco.  Your program is very good and helps so many candidates.
I wish you all the very best. Good Luck.

Kind Regards,
 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-5-28 12:07:41
 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-5-30 09:32:29
 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-6-6 11:43:12
Hi All,

Good news!
Yet another of our Sydney trainees, Joyce, has successfully landed an Accounts Assistant position last week with one of Asia’s leading luxury watch retailers.

During her time at Florian Accounting, Joyce undertook our Level 1, Internship and Interview Coaching Programs. These programs combined helped her to improve her technical and interview skills, and equipped her with the relevant working skills and experience to be able to fulfil an accounting-related role. This was a major part of her being able to get this role.

In her below email, she shares with us those interview questions she was asked during her screening process. As for her reference check, the main questions asked of us related to her work ethics, punctuality, technical skills (incl. Excel), ability to meet deadlines and prioritize her workload, main strengths and weaknesses, and her ability to follow through with instructions under minimum supervision.

Let’s all wish her the best of luck in her new job and heads up for those of our current trainees.

Their financial manager and accountant conducted the interview.
They asked me questions based on my resume
Tell me about Florian accounting
What did you do in Florian ?
Your strengths and weaknesses
what do you like about Florian
What you leave florian
He also asked me about my key achievements in Florian
How do you work under pressure
how do I know about them
 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-6-7 10:39:03
Hi Coco,

How are you? I hope you are well. Just want to let you know that I found a new job as an Assistant Accountant in a non profit organization.
Will start next week. I can say that the training and internship program helped me to be more confident during interviews.

Wishing all the trainess to find a job that they will ejoy!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your words of encouragement! =)

All the best!

 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-6-8 11:40:12
Hi CoCo,
Our company is currently using MYOB and I have only basic knowledge about this software, if I take the course, can I handle the BAS and GST myself after I finish it?

-- Yes, you will have the full knowledge preparing and lodging Business Activity Statements and IAS. If you need help, you can bring your company’s case and I will be more than happy to have a look through the accounts and assist you.
 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-6-9 10:02:41
Hi Coco,

I list my interview questions with --- for graduate accountant role below to share with other trainees. I will update my status on this job for you. Thank you very much for your patient and great help. I will keep in touch with you.

  Why we hire you?
  Salary expectation based on your research
  List your three strengths and one weakness point
  Tell me about yourself about 3 minutes
  AP/AR Experience
  What is your five year plan and have you set specific target for yourself?
  Describe one biggest achievement that you experienced during study in Australia
  Do you have any questions that you want to ask?
  What is your excel skills and specify that?
  What kind of system you familiar with?
  Which subject you are good at?
 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-6-10 11:07:20
Hi CoCo, What positions can I apply for after completing level 1 training?

– AP/AR clerk, bookkeeper, Assistant Accountant, Junior Accountant, Graduate Accountant positions for small to medium size organization.
 楼主| Kydie 发表于 2011-6-17 15:43:14
Hi CoCo,

I got the Assistant Accountant role in that company. I would like to thank you for all the help and support over the last few months. The course was informative and really helpful, it had given me the knowledge and experience I need to get my first accounting job. I am on a probation period now, is it OK to continue to receive support from you during the probation period? I mean if I have problems don’t know how to solve it and don’t want to ask my boss, can I come to you to seek help?

Best regards,
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