翰逸苑的書法課程從興趣出發,全面培養書法基本筆法,書法間架結構,不同書體臨摹,經典作品鑒賞。課程為滾動式,隨時可以開始學習。小班教學,確保每個學生都能得到充分指導。目前開設週末班,每節課75分鐘,班次如下: 週六或週日:9.30am-10.45am (初、中級), 11am-12.15pm (初、中級). 12.45pm-2.00pm (中、高級), 2.15pm-3.30pm (初、中級), 3.45pm-5.00pm (初、中級)
Learning Chinese calligraphy is a good opportunity to learn Chinese language and culture, improve your concentration and observational ability, and enhance your analytical ability as well as aesthetic taste. Jeff Huang has been practicing Chinese calligraphy for nearly 40 years since 3 years old. Currently holding a PhD degree in linguistics, translation and education, Jeff is not only a calligraphy practitioner, but also a dedicated educator in calligraphy art, English and Chinese languages, and translation between cultures. Jeff is now located in Sunnybank, Brisbane and is full of passion to pass on his knowledge and skills in Chinese calligraphy as well as language and culture to more students who are interested in this. Chinese calligraphy classes are now running at weekends with 75 minutes a session. You can choose from the timetable below: Saturday or Sunday: 9.30am-10.45am; 11.00am-12.15pm; 12.45pm-2.00pm; 2.15pm-3.30pm; 3.45pm-5.00pm Please contact Jeff Huang for more details if you are interested: WeChat/Line: jeffhuang711 M: 0433 619 847