周六是油价最便宜的! 以NRMA统记: 从7月3号起Sydney 每周最便宜油价的一天是从周六早上9点平均$1.20每升, 直到周一早上油价反弹10c回到$1.30每升. 然而50%的Sydney人仍旧在周2 加油. “为何没人告诉大家”? NRMA主席Wendy Machin道.” 这种循环已有一个月了”
Saturday fuel is new choose day
MORE than half of Sydney motorists still buy petrol on Tuesday, even though the cheapest time to fill up is now Saturday morning, according to the NRMA.
Since July 3, the lowest weekly price across Sydney has been an average $1.20 about 9am on a Saturday, before shooting up 10c by Monday morning, according to NRMA data.
"The cheapest time to buy petrol is now Saturday morning and it has been that way for a month," NRMA president Wendy Machin said. "Why aren't motorists being told this?"
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission yesterday confirmed the low-point of the cycle was now on Saturday but stood by its website that claimed the cheapest day of the week on average was Friday.
Ms Machin questioned the limited role of the ACCC petrol commissioner Joe Dimasi, who yesterday declined to comment because of the sensitive election issue surrounding his job.
"The ACCC is still telling people the cheapest day on average is Friday, but let's get serious about this - motorists want to know when they can buy petrol at the lowest point of the cycle," Ms Machin said.
She said motorists still had no idea why prices jumped so dramatically each week.
The ACCC said the erratic moves were caused by the major retailers discounting prices in a bid to attract customers.
One retailer then decided to stop discounting, pushing up prices on a Sunday for example, and the rest followed.
"A few years ago the lowest point was on Tuesday, and we saw the long queues at the petrol stations," Ms Machin said.
"Then it went to Wednesday, then Thursday night. It isn't fair if [motorists] aren't being told.
"The Petrol Commissioner should be able to shed a bit more light on it for motorists. If he doesn't have the authority or the powers to be a bit more proactive, then it is probably time for the government to review the role and see if the role can be strengthened."
The Coalition said earlier this month it planned to axe the office as part of its budget savings.
"That overnight jump drives people crazy - they see it go up overnight more than 10c and there is just no reason for it," Ms Machin said. |
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