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Eating Lean: Low Fat Snacking









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yo1yo2 发表于 2013-3-16 12:42:45
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本帖最后由 yo1yo2 于 2013-3-16 12:43 编辑

Sometimes having a snack can be just the thing to help you power through the day. But it can also be a major trap for those looking to keep their fat intake low.

Grabbing a quick snack

There are so many options available on the supermarket shelves and, even if you’re grabbing something on the run, you really need to take a second and read the labels. Even if a product claims to be reduced fat or non-fat, how much fat does it actually have? And remember, if you want to keep your fat under control, you need to be aware of how many serves there are in one package. It can be all too easy to think "this is low fat, so I can eat as much as I like".

Compare products. For example, the fat content of potato chips can vary significantly, particularly depending on whether they’ve been baked or fried. And think outside the box a little. If you’re looking for something savoury with a satisfying crunch, a handful of pretzels, unflavoured popcorn or a rice cake or two can do the job just as well as potato chips but with less fat.

And of course, don’t go past the fruit and vegetable section. There’s nothing quicker and easier than fruit or berries. Look out for pre-prepared vegetables cut into convenient sticks for dipping into low fat dips.

Be preparedHunger pangs are powerful. So packing your own snacks means that you’re much less vulnerable to succumbing to a high fat impulse buy. If you can organise yourself to cook your own lower fat treats, or even stash a few of the healthier supermarket options in your bag, in the car or in the draw of your work desk, you’ll be much better prepared to resist the munchies when they occur.

Take your coffee straightIf you really like coffee, why not try savouring the real taste of a well-brewed coffee without the sugar or the frothy milk. Opting for an espresso not only allows you to enjoy coffee in its most pure form, it also saves up to two grams of fat – and that adds up over time. Go for a low fat option if you can’t contemplate your coffee without milk, but I challenge you to try having it without!

A little indulgenceI must confess that I have been known to devour an entire block of chocolate in a sitting – only to regret it bitterly soon after.

If you know you can't stop once you start eating, it might be best to simply not keep chocolate (or packets of biscuits or other treats) at home, lying in wait for a moment of weakness. If you think you can resist, play it safe by selecting the amount you want to eat and then putting the rest back in the cupboard or fridge. It's much easier to avoid overdoing it if the chocolate isn't sitting there in front of you.

Your best bet is to opt for dark chocolate as it is lower in fat and contains more health-enhancing antioxidants. But keep the portions small: aim to stick to two or three small squares.

If you’re craving a sweetness fix, you can choose hard lollies, jelly beans, gummy candies, marshmallows and licorice instead. They are all low fat options and because they are often available in small pieces, it can help you keep your consumption under control. But on the downside, these options are all high in sugar, so don’t go overboard on these either because their kilojoule count is still pretty high.

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