发几首我喜欢的TRANCE,挺老的,不过很经典。 作者: TIM 时间: 2009-6-2 18:30
好久没见到火星推荐歌曲了 真不错。。。话说 头像是崔始源啊作者: IVANHAN 时间: 2009-6-2 21:23 作者: Adiós-火星 时间: 2009-6-3 18:13
是啊,水瓶座的我都喜欢,哈哈。作者: imbonnie 时间: 2009-6-3 19:11
第二个好熟悉.............作者: 胡逼 时间: 2009-12-10 16:35
Trance is alrite, i prefer psy trance. and i dont think u r on trance-trance, ya no what i mean? Hard to get trance pub in brisse. but i think your music were pretty good. by the way, r u on weed or anything? otherwise, why would u like this sort of music? u might be just think it's cool. alrite, Infected mushroom is goin to coast on Jan. Needles dude~