出售:ECON7200, ECON7530, ECON7520, ECON7310,ECON7400
Mobile: 0421428064
Email: [email protected]
ECON7200 Economics of Financial Markets
课本: Mishkin, Frederic (2009) The Economics of Money, Banking,and Financial Markets, Pearson Global edition, 9th edition
价格: $70
赠送材料: 1. Lecture Notes
2. Tutorial (题目+答案)
ECON7530 International Trade and Investment
ECON7520 International Monetary Economics
课本: Krugman, Paul R. and Obstfeld, Maurice (2006).International Economics Theory and Policy. 7th edition. Pearson Addison-Wesley,Boston
提示: 如果Course Profile要求的版本是Krugman, Paul R.and Obstfeld, Maurice. International Economics Theory and Policy. 8th edition.Pearson Addison-Wesley, Boston. 第7版的使用没有任何问题。
价格: $70
赠送材料: 两门课的Lectureppt slide, 这两门课没有tutorial
ECON7400 International Industry Economics
课本:Luis Cabral(2000) Introduction to Industrial Organization.
提示:出版地点不同,是soft cover,但是内容完全一样。只要Course Profile要求的是Luis Cabral (2000) Introduction toIndustrial Organization. MIT Press Cambridge, MA. 本书的使用完全没有问题。
赠送材料:Lecture notes,该课程没有tutorial。
ECON7310 Elements of Econometrics
课本:Hill, R.C.,Griffiths, W.E. and G.C. Lim (2008) Principles of Econometrics, 3rdedition, Wiley, New Jersey.
赠送材料:1.Lecture notes
2. Practical (题目+答案)
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