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    楼主: OZLEADER
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    [其他] 澳国立毕业+做过Admissions Officer+资深留学移民顾问–有任何问题请问Justin Jiang

     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-6 17:29:06
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-7 01:13:51






     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-10 21:15:07

    Changes to Australian Visa Service Delivery in China From 10 September 2012 the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) is changing the way immigration services will be delivered in China.
    The two key changes include the:

    •Introduction of Australian Visa Application Centres (AVACs) in Beijing and Shanghai
    •Changes to visa processing locations.

    As a result of these changes, the location and the way that a client lodges a visa application may also change
    Introduction of AVACsTwo AVACs operated by VFS Global Pty Ltd, will be opened in Beijing and Shanghai on 10 September 2012.
    The AVACs will:

    •accept visa applications and charges
    •handle basic enquiries from clients before application is lodged
    •return passports
    •provide an online application tracking facility.

    The introduction of AVACs will provide more convenient access to immigration services for clients through greater access to information, extended service hours and streamlined processing.
    Changes to visa processing locationsIn addition to the introduction of AVACs, there will also be changes to where certain visa applications are processed in China from 10 September 2012.
    Consolidating visa processing for certain visa applications into processing centres will enable a greater level of consistency in processing and decision-making and will improve the service the department provides to clients in this region.
    Impact on clientsThese changes mean from 10 September 2012, clients who reside in provinces within the Beijing and Shanghai catchment areas applying for most Australian visas should lodge their application at an AVAC in either Beijing or Shanghai.
    Clients in the Guangzhou catchment applying in person or by post for an Australian visa should continue to lodge their application directly with the Australian Visa Office at the Australian Consulate in Guangzhou.
    There will be no change to the current lodgement and processing arrangements for Government officials applying via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) or their local Foreign Affairs Office (FAO), Australian Destination Status (ADS) travel or Australian citizenship by Descent applications which should continue to be lodged directly with the nearest Australian Visa Office.
    More InformationA printable Information Sheet outlining these changes is available.
    See: Information Sheet – Changes to Australian visa service delivery in China (356KB PDF file)
    Details about visa lodgement and processing arrangements is now available.
    See: Where to submit a visa application for all clients residing in China (318KB PDF file)
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-11 20:35:57
     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-14 14:15:40
    12年9月1日Skill Select EOI第二轮官方报告出炉
    SkillSelect Invitations to apply to migrate - Round 1 September 2012 Results

    The second automated invitation round for SkillSelect ran successfully on 1 September 2012. The table belows lists the number of invitations being issued.

    Visa Subclass Number
    Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 450
    Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) 50

    In total during 2012 the following invitations have been issued.

    Visa subclass August September October November December Total
    Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 90 450  -  -  - 540
    Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass489) 10 50  -  -  - 60
    Total 100 500  -  -  - 600

    Scheduled invitation rounds do not include the state and territory government subclass 190 and 489 nominations that also result in invitations. State and territory governments nominate throughout the month, and commenced nominating through SkillSelect on 1 July 2012. Separate results for these visa types can be found below.

    1 September 2012 Results
    The following graph shows the points claimed by clients who were invited to apply in this round.

    Invitation process and cut offs
    The highest ranked clients by points score are invited to apply for the relevant visa. For clients who have equal points scores, the time at which they reached their points score for that subclass (referred to as the visa status date) determines their order of invitation. Earlier visa status dates are invited before later status dates.

    Visa Subclass Points Score Visa status date
    Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 70 25/08/2012
    8.20 pm
    Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) 70 27/08/2012
    2.30 pm

    If you want to compare your Expression of Interest against the outcomes of the invitation round, you can check your points score and visa status date at any time for all visa subclasses covered by your Expression of Interest.

    Occupational Ceilings
    Invitations are subject to yearly occupational ceilings, however, in this round, no occupation reached its ceiling.

    Occupations invited in this round are listed in the table below.

    Occupation Group Occupation Description Invites
    2613 Software and Applications Programmers 100
    2211 Accountants 66
    2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts 57
    2531 Generalist Medical Practitioners 37
    2332 Civil Engineering Professionals 22
    2414 Secondary School Teachers 18
    2544 Registered Nurses 17
    2339 Other Engineering Professionals 16
    2539 Other Medical Practitioners 16
    2631 Computer Network Professionals 15
    2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 14
    2523 Dental Practitioners 12
    2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 9
    2334 Electronics Engineers 9
    2515 Pharmacists 8
    2633 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 8
    2713 Solicitors 6
    1331 Construction Managers 6
    2512 Medical Imaging Professionals 5
    2532 Anaesthetists 4
    2723 Psychologists 4
    2524 Occupational Therapists 3
    2336 Mining Engineers 3
    3341 Plumbers 3
    2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers 3
    2333 Electrical Engineers 3
    2533 Internal Medicine Specialists 2
    2346 Medical Laboratory Scientists 2
    2525 Physiotherapists 2
    4112 Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists 2
    2321 Architects and Landscape Architects 2
    2241 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 2
    2341 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 2
    3223 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 2
    3132 Telecommunications Technical Specialists 2
    2326 Urban and Regional Planners 2
    2347 Veterinarians 1
    2535 Surgeons 1
    2527 Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1
    2534 Psychiatrists 1
    3212 Motor Mechanics 1
    2513 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals 1
    2725 Social Workers 1
    3231 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers 1
    3312 Carpenters and Joiners 1
    2521 Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1
    2411 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 1
    2541 Midwives 1
    1342 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1
    2245 Land Economists and Valuers 1
    3411 Electricians 1
    3423 Electronics Trades Workers 1
      Total 500

    State/Territory Nominations August 2012
    State and Territory Governments began using SkillSelect to nominate skilled migrants from 1 July 2012. The table below shows the number of migrants that were nominated by each state/territory and subclass during August 2012.

    August 2012 Nominations

    Visa subclass ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Total
    Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) visa 30 49 12 12 286 0 125 139 653
    Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass 489) visa 0 0 9 1 56 1 0 12 79
    Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) visa 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3
    Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 6
    Total 30 49 21 13 342 2 131 153 741

    2012/13 Nominations

      Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total
    Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) visa 101 653 - - - - - - - - - - 754
    Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass 489) visa 6 79 - - - - - - - - - - 85
    Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) visa 0 3 - - - - - - - - - - 3
    Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa 8 6 - - - - - - - - - - 14
    Total 115 741 - - - - - - - - - - 856

    During August the state and territory governments nominated clients from 126 different occupations for subclass 190 and subclass 489 visas. The table below contains a summary of these occupations.

    Occupation Code Occupation Name Invitations
    261111 ICT Business Analyst 77
    261313 Software Engineer 70
    261312 Developer Programmer 49
    261314 Software Tester 36
    261311 Analyst Programmer 33
    263311 Telecommunications Engineer 31
    262113 Systems Administrator 30
    254499 Registered Nurses nec 28
    261112 Systems Analyst 25
    221111 Accountant (General) 18
      All other occupations 344
      Total 741
    Last updated: 13 Sep 2012
    mstzhan 发表于 2012-9-17 13:49:56
    境外申请雇主提名186签证 ,如果雇主提名批了,但是自己的申请还没批。能入境au吗?1131form上只说如果你有一个substantive visa就可以入境,雇主会帮你申请一个什么签证入境吗?

    如果自己已经有一个short term business 456签证(自己通过别的途径),算substantive visa吗?

     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-18 13:36:21
    mstzhan 发表于 2012-9-17 13:49
    境外申请雇主提名186签证 ,如果雇主提名批了,但是自己的申请还没批。能入境au吗?1131form上只说如果你有一 ...

    境外申请雇主提名186签证 ,如果雇主提名批了,但是自己的申请还没批。能入境au吗?---如果没有其它合法的签证,则不能。 1131form上只说如果你有一个substantive visa就可以入境,雇主会帮你申请一个什么签证入境吗?---雇主担保类的签证

    如果自己已经有一个short term business 456签证(自己通过别的途径),算substantive visa吗?--算

    mstzhan 发表于 2012-9-18 14:51:01
    OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-18 13:36
    境外申请雇主提名186签证 ,如果雇主提名批了,但是自己的申请还没批。能入境au吗?---如果没有其它合法 ...



     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-18 17:16:44
    mstzhan 发表于 2012-9-18 14:51


     楼主| OZLEADER 发表于 2012-9-20 07:51:51
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