You must score at least 60 points (the pass mark) to be eligible to apply for a Skilled Migration visa (subclasses 189, 190 and 489).
Factor | Description | Points |
at time of invitation | 18–24 (inclusive) | 25 |
25–32 (inclusive) | 30 |
33–39 (inclusive) | 25 |
40–44 (inclusive) | 15 |
45–49 (inclusive) | 0 |
English language ability英语能力
at time of invitation | Competent English—IELTS 6 / OET B | 0 |
Proficient English—IELTS 7 / OET B | 10 |
Superior English—IELTS 8 / OET A | 20 |
Skilled employment工作经验
at time of invitation
Only 20 points can be awarded for any combination of overseas and Australian skilled employment
Overseas employment in nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation
Australian employment in nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation | Skilled employment outside Australia澳洲境外工作经验
At least three but less than five years (of past 10 years) |
5 |
At least five but less than eight years (of past 10 years) | 10 |
At least eight and up to 10 years (of past 10 years) | 15 |
Skilled employment in Australia澳州境内工作经验
At least one but less than three years (of past 10 years) |
5 |
At least three but less than five years (of past 10 years) | 10 |
At least five but less than eight years (of past 10 years) | 15 |
At least eight and up to 10 years (of past 10 years) | 20 |
Educational qualifications教育水平(学历)
at time of invitation | Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or other Doctorate of a recognised standard | 20 |
At least a Bachelor degree, including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters, from an Australian educational institution or other degree of a recognised standard | 15 |
Diploma or trade qualification completed in Australia, or qualification or award of recognised standard | 10 |
Australian study requirements在澳洲满足两年Full Time学习
at time of invitation | One or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications awarded by an Australian educational institution and meet the Australian Study Requirement | 5 |
Other factors其他因素
at time of invitation | Credentialled community language qualifications(NAATI) | 5 |
Study in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area (excluding distance education)(偏远学习地区) | 5 |
Partner skill qualifications(配偶加分) | 5 |
Professional Year in Australia for at least 12 months in the four years before the day you were invited(professional year) | 5 |
at time of invitation | Nomination by state or territory government (visa subclass 190 only)州政府提名 | 5 |
Nomination by state or territory government or sponsorship by an eligible family member, to reside and work in a specified/designated area (visa subclass 489 only)偏远地区州政府担保,偏远地区亲属担保 | 10 |