Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required):
每位入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供以下数据 (一个家庭只须申报一份):
1.Family Name ________First (Given)________ Middle________
姓氏 ________名字_______ 中间名________
2.Birth date____Day____Month____Year
出生日期____日____ 月____年
3.Number of family members traveling with you_____
4. U.S. Address_____________
5. Passport issued by (country)___________
6. Passport Number________________
7. Country of Residence__________________
8. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival______________
9. Airline/Flight No____________________
10. The primary purpose of this trip is business. ○YES ○ NO
此次旅程的主要目的是商务?○ 是 ○ 否
11. I am/we are bringing fruits, plants, meats, food, soil, birds, snails, other live animals, farm products, or I/we have been on a farm or ranch outside the U.S.YES ○ NO ○
12. I am/we are carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10000 U.S. or the foreign equivalent.YES ○ NO ○
您携带现金或珍贵物品,其价值超过一 万美金或相当于一万美金的外币吗?是 ○ 否 ○
13. I have (We have) commercial merchandise? (articles for sale, samples used for soliciting orders, or goods that are not considered personal effects.)YES ○ NO ○
您有携带任何商品吗?(贩卖之商品、订购之样本等任何非属私人之物品)是 ○ 否 ○
14. The total value of all goods I/we purchased or acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S. is (see instructions under Merchandise on reverse side; visitors should report value of gifts only)$___________________ U.S. Dollars
简单陈述。美国海关官员对两件事最感兴趣:一是来访的目的,二是预计逗留时间。入境时最常问的也是这两个问题。赴美探亲和商务访问的时间要与签证规定相符。答案最好简短直接,避免画蛇添足。最好事前练好入境时必要的英语,如果担心入境时英语交流有困难,可事先准备好一张字条:“I speak Chinese. Please help me with an interpreter.”(我讲中文,请翻译员前来协助)。基本入境时问题都比较简单,掌握基本词汇即可,所以不用担心!ps 如果已经拿到绿卡,请参考王总案例作出相应回答!
1、问:你来美国的目的是什么?/干什么?What’s yourpurpose of visiting U.S? Why are you coming to U.S? What do you come to U.Sfor?
参考回答:我们来旅游/度假/商务出差(赴美生子当然是回到生孩子)We are here fortourism/vacation/business trips/b (have a baby in American.)
2、问:你打算在美国待多久?How long will you stay in U.S?/How long do you plan to stay?
参考回答:5/6周。5 / 6 weeks.(赴美生子要三个月。three months)
3、问:你的行程是什么?What’s your detailed agenda here? What’s your detailed plan here?
参考回答:请看我的详细行程单。Pls. see my detailed agenda here.
4、问:你以前有没有来过美国?什么时候?来干什么?Have you been to U.S before? When? For which purpose?
参考回答:根据实际情况回答。是+具体时间+当时的目的;否。Yes+time+purpose(e.g for tourism/business trips etc.); No.
5、如果您距离上次来美国不久,移民官会问:你为什么这么短时间又来美国?Why are you coming to U.S again in such short time? Why did youstay in U.S so long last time?
参考回答:上次我是参加朋友的婚礼/参加商务会谈/由于时间有限,只旅游了美国东部(可根据实际情况回答),这次我和先生为了庆祝我们结婚N周年的纪念日特地计划深度游玩美国西部。Last time I came to U.Sto join my friend’s wedding/join businessmeetings/travel in east U.S only due to my tight time schedule. This time we(my husband and me) plan to travel in west U.S thoroughly to celebrate our Nyear’s marriage anniversary.
参考回答:上次来美时,我有很多剩余的年假。我利用我积累的休假深度旅游了美国西部/东部。或:上次来美时,有2周是参加公司为我安排的培训,3周是在培训进行了个人度假和旅游。(要根据个人情况斟酌回答)。Lasttime I had a lot of untaken annual leaves. Therefore I used up my accumulated annual leave and traveled thoroughly in west/east U.S. Or: Last time when Icame to U.S, I spent two weeks to participate a training arranged by my company and three weeks to travel and enjoy my personal vacation after the training.
7、问:请出示你的回程机票。Pls. show me your return flight ticket.