没,我们是今天七月十二号领的证,19号就去的大使馆,婚纱照还有结婚当天的照片都没有的,因为我们是八月才摆的酒席。只要你资料够全,应该都能下来的。上海说要配偶签一般正常要10-14个月,但是我老公的一个哥们,那个哥们儿的朋友也办的配偶签,那人是四月交的资料,好像九月就下来了,一共就五个月的时间。我的估计二月头我回去也就能下来了,因为发了由件去了大使馆民,他们说只要我回了国交一下护照面签一下就可以了。我现在就等着回国呢。激动。。。祝楼主好运。作者: m2158430 时间: 2012-1-2 22:51
找中介會比較好喔~^^'作者: 11rain 时间: 2012-1-3 17:03
We applied by ourselves. It is approved after just one month we applied!
Everything required by immi is on their website. You can also book an appointmnet with an immi officer in immi department. The officer is very kind and will answer all the questions you have. Specially, this is free.
Normally, if you provide enough evidence and documents, applying by yourself is faster than applying from agent, because agent only provide the information immi need. When I apply, I give the officer a full folder and she even said that I can go to be an immi agent lol"
Anyway, it is quite depend on your need. Time VS $$.